Tuesday 14 July 2015

Out at Sea

The waters are still, eerie and salty black.

I remember a poem from long ago,
One of stranded sailors and a lone survivor.
Of many nights at sea,
And albatrosses around necks.
I sit on my wreck
No compass, no map, nothing to guide me.
It’s dark.

The sky has no stars
As if telling me there can be no hope left.
There is no way back.
I look up, at a cloudy sky.
I can only hope there is no storm.
But what is hope anymore?
For despite so many clouds
There is not a silver lining.

It begins to pour.
I’m soaked to the skin.
There is nothing, I realise
That I can light to make a fire
Save the raft.

Afloat, with nothing but my mind to keep me company,
And the darkness all around,
I stay up for hours playing games with myself.
‘I Spy’ in the clouds, ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ on the raft,
Until the delusions of life fade away.
I fall into a silent stare.
One that reaches far beyond
Into the vast nothingness.
And I’m lost once more,
In real dreams
With dying embers of hope.

The stars have taught me well
As they have any sailor.
Without them I would truly be nothing.
I am nothing.
A wave pulls me out of the murky depths.
The raft and I
Drift along
Complying with its gentleness.
We are anchorless.
We have lost our bearings.
We have nothing to keep us grounded,
Nothing to hold us.

There are more now, waves pulling us with them.
Lulling us into a sense of safety,
And comfortingly sleepy warmth.
In this old unfamiliar land,
There is happiness,
There is hope.
I can always find my way back.

But the stars are hiding today.
Falsehood grows
Becoming a storm,
Crashing through my reverie
Wreaking havoc upon the raft
As I wake to find it my reality.
The stars are right.
There can be no hope left.

Piece by piece,
The raft and I disintegrate.
We are laid bare to the storm.
Yet we hang on for dear life,
But for what?
What is a sailor without the North Star?
What purpose does life have if you have been lost?
Questions that will never be answered.
Questions that are silent screams.

The raft creaks in pain.
The storm only hears itself.
I laugh hysterically,
But no one hears me.
I have nothing to lose anymore.
I have nothing.
It has been lost,
I have been lost.

I am nothing.

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