Saturday 1 February 2014

Slow, Efficient Torture

All events (...and characters) in this post are purely fictional. And they are highly exaggerated. Any resemblance may be coincidental, but should not be taken as offensive. Only because it is mostly not true.

There is nothing worse, as a vegetarian, than to eat a piece of fruit only to find a worm or caterpillar in another you were about to eat just then.

It's even worse if one of your family members cut the fruit into pieces. Worst case scenario: you just happen to have paranoia. It feels like everyone in your family is out to get you.

Have you ever felt lost in a conversation your parents are having? Specially because they're talking in a foreign language? Thanks to all that paranoia you'll probably assume they're plotting to kill you or get rid of you in some really unthinkably crazy way, like studying continuously for the rest of your already miserable life (no breaks at all) or maybe send you to some college you don't want to go to.  Or sign you up for classes that are pointless (which you agree to, thinking it might help after all...see they've already brainwashed you). For all you know, you may be right... You might want to reconsider taking those foreign language classes, using the excuse your younger sibling needs help.

Younger siblings, though they too are on the parents 'To-Torture' list, are equally bad. They hope and pray that one day you will go away, leave home, anything, just so they can have the room all to themselves. And if you ask why, they won't know. They just want you gone, since living in the grandparents' room was never an option. I guess it never will be, considering how spooky the room can get at night...

Now you're probably thinking that's all of the family, since grandparents are too sweet to kill anyone and all the others like aunts or cousins don't really figure as immediate family... But you're wrong. Grandparents are evil in their own way.

Face it. Your grandparents are old. They can't see, hear, taste, smell or feel anything properly. They are not what they used to be. So how do you know what you're eating is safe? How do you know they know what they are putting in the food? How can you be sure they know the difference between chalk, turmeric and rat poison?... You'll be lucky if you have fit and healthy grandparents. They'll probably try to kill you some other way. Something unusual... If you've got that family that's high on discipline and craziness, you know that a caterpillar in your food is a message of near doom.

But you should know that there's probably someone behind all this evil, someone out to take revenge, by turning your family against you, just so that they don't have to do all the dirty work. It's slow, efficient torture...

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